Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Some Things Just Don't Mix

After plotting out my plan of action for Operation: Manhattan Retail tomorrow, I realized three things a) I needed to get out and go for a run b) I needed to go to the ATM to get cash for rent (ahh the joys of illegal habitation) and c) I needed copies of my resume to drop off at each place tomorrow. Using my outstanding logic, I decided I could combine all three by running the 1.1 miles to Staples and Duane Reade (drug store chain with the cheapest ATM fee) and then run the 1.1s mile back. I got to Staples, waited forever but made it out with copies of my resume and then went to Duane Reade to use the ATM and pick up some face wash. Success! Most of my plan was working beautifuly. Then disaster struck. I began running down Austin Street with my bag in hand totally realizing like I looked like I had stolen something and was making my getaway. After crossing Yellowstone I kept getting it, keeping a pretty good pace and feeling really good about it. All of the sudden I realized I had no idea where I was. Multi-tasking is apparantly not one of my strengths.

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