Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fun.. in Queens? YES!

Since the bars in New York are open until 4 am, it is hard to pry yourself away when you are having a good time and meeting new people. I met up with Claire and John and some of their friends for pool in Queens, not too far from my apartment. Some of Claire's friends were there and they were all really cool. After a while some of the group decided to go to the club next door and some decided to go home, since we werent looking to do either, we headed to this Irish Pub right beside my subway stop. It was practically empty, quiet, and had a jukebox. We were set. After a little while, I realized it was after 3 am so I decided to make my way home. I grabbed a chicken shiskabob from a street vendor ($5 for two DELICIOUS kabobs and two pieces of bread) and caught the E train home.

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